Visit of the St. Therese Sisters in September 2011
Visit of the St. Therese sisters in September 2011 The visit of the St. Therese sisters back in 2005 is still a marvelous and very alive memory to us. This is why we are very happy to be able to welcome four sisters from Tanzania this year again.
We have invited the sisters to come to Munich for two to three weeks at the beginning of September 2011. The trip is a chance for us to give the sisters the well-deserved recognition and appreciation for their sacrificing work. The sister who only receive a symbolic salary will therefore finally get their Asante. During this time we want to facilitate a personal encounter between the sisters and our friends and sponsors. On the other hand, we would like to work on the development of already existing projects but also engage in the planning of new projects.
To make these personal encounters possible, we will visit the Derksen Gymnasium in Großhadern, which has invited the sisters to a common prayer with pupils and parents, as well as to take part of some of their lessons to make the interplay of cultures possible. Also, we planned other trips for the sisters in and around Munich, for examle to the “Zugspitze”. Moreover, we would like to organise two services for the sisters in the church of St. Canisius in addition to a Tanzanian evening in the parish-hall of St. Canisius. Everyone who is interested, is cordially invited. Unfortunately we cannot yet tell you the exact dates now, but we will publish them on this homepage as soon as possible.
According to our motto “Effective assistance“, we have always been very careful that your donations have the greatest impact in Tanzania. As a consequence, we would like to finance the visit of the sisters not by means of our existing donation pool, but through separate donations. You can help us by taking over a sponsorship for one sister which would, for example, be bearing the costs for the flight. Of course, you can also donate an amount of your choice. Please donate by making reference to the purpose „Besuch der Schwestern“ to our following account “33 970 021” at the Pax bank (bank code: 370 601 93). IBAN: 10 370601 9300 339 70021, BIC: GENODED1PAX.